If you give a mouse a cookie, he will suffer

  • If you give a mouse a cookie, he will suffer from a diabetic episode. If he suffers from diabetic episode, you must give him an insulin injection. If he recovers, he might sue you.
  • If he sues you, you won't have any money. But if you give the mouse your money, he'll buy his own cookies. Problem solved, right? Wrong. You also gave him milk, causing him an alle
  • y fight with a one legged bum named Willard. So now, think about it, money plus milk, give to mouse traveling on a bus going fifty miles per hour, problem solve right? Wrong again!
  • Because you skipped that day they taught rodents of any manner of conveyance, including buses, were deemed non-existent when traveling at more than 49 mph. This reduced to dividing
  • the rodent highway into visible and invisible lanes, which led to considerable political uproar. The counsel of visible rodents campaigned to cut funding for so-called "invisible
  • rat choir". They doubted the rat choir invisible existed at all. But Brother Ratus was a powerful preacher. "Why I tell you the rodent highway invisible is the path to Lord Rat
  • Allmighty. Turn with me to Rat Hymn Number 239." There was a rustle of tiny hymnals as the rat congregation found the page. It was 'Be Thou My Vermin', and their squeaky voices
  • Were recorded by the cat on her Kitty Mac. This was no ordinary tortoiseshell cat. Cai was the resident mouser and despised the rats. Catching them was actually the official job of
  • Boe-bus but he had a hernia and couln't chase them anymore, plus most of the rats these days were bigger than him. It was gonna take some smarts and Cai was the kitty for the job a
  • lthough...actually, I wouldn't depend on a cat because they are like the backstabbers of the domesticated animal league.You could rely on a Collie or a German Shepherd, not a cat!


  1. Jimbeau Mar 03 2017 @ 20:18

    OMG...this is GREAT!

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