"Jack Frost nipping at your nose," The song

  • "Jack Frost nipping at your nose," The song lulled on beautifully but, all I could think was, really disgusting, my nose has boogers in in it. And why is Jack Frost nipping at it?

  • "Jack has developed some sort of rare disease, inherited of course..." Dr.No said. "How can we help him Dr? He keeps eating my boogers!" I wiped my running nose. "There is only one

  • way he can be cured," the doctor replied. "You must take Jack to the top of a mountain and brew a medicinal potion out of mountain grass and

  • spray it on Jack from a seltzer bottle, clown-style." "Do we have to? It's freezing on the mountaintop, and besides, Doc, I'm feeling a lot better since you pinched my nose," said

  • one of the other amateur jokesters in Clown Bootcamp. Bozo snapped his suspenders hard. Alright you yokel's, make the tree laugh or its ten Chinese firedrill laps & no balloon anim

  • -als! The platoon of buffoons lined up clown shoe to clown shoe. The oak was stoic. Bozo raised the rubber chicken, "Company! Make 'em laugh!" They displayed formation pratfalls

  • One clown stood out, Captain Whoopie of the Cream Pie Corps. His real name was John Wayne Brady and he was from Dayton, Ohio where he worked as an electrical engineer at a large

  • firm. Little did the populace of today's niche serial killer fandom know, not only was Wayne a Dashing Slasher, but quite a Slosher - if you're familiar with pie-related fetishes

  • becareful not to leave out a cherry pie on your open window or Pineapple daiquiri on your stoop. It invites this would be killer into

  • your warm and cozy home. A place you don't want it.



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