I stared at the computer screen. I've been

  • I stared at the computer screen. I've been dong it for a half hour already. Then, it happened. The screen began to swell, and... FA-BOOM! Broken glass everywhere. i wanted to open
  • a window before my house completely depressurized, but after a few moments of strenuous but futile effort, I realized that perhaps the window wanted to open me. Tick, tock
  • went the little clocks, each one a grain of sand in the hourglass of my mental omnipotence. I smiled as the window unlocked itself and peered inside me. "Have a look," I said, not
  • by the hair of my chinny chin chin." My children's storybook winked at me. My mental omnipotence reached a state of awareness that allowed me converse with inanimate objects
  • . As I chatted to the storybook, my omnipotent awareness expanded even further and I suddenly had an epiphany. None of this is real, I thought to myself. All of this is just a
  • bad FOLDINGSTORY™. Everything made sense now. The lack of coherence in my life was finally explained and with this new found knowledge I planned to
  • upvote all the folds in this story, so I could achieve worldwide fame as the star of the Story of the Month. I started registering accounts by the thousands, hoping that Geoff
  • wouldn't' catch on because if he did, I'd be "deep-folded." Nobody messes with Geoff, or so I've been told. I was willing to risk it though. Besides, someone had to stop MoralEnd
  • Stopping MoralEnd would be hard.He was a guy who quit his job so he could chain smoke, illegally hallucinate & type on FoldingStory 17-24 hrs/day, 362 days/year. Geoff was the only
  • one who could manage it for those last three days, when nobody else would be there to mess him up. That is, until KieferSkunk came along. Look out, everyone!


  1. m80 May 14 2013 @ 23:00

    The number of votes does not reflect how good this story is!!!

  2. MoralEnd May 15 2013 @ 09:44

    Totally M80

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