Sylvia had booked a walk in the Enclave and

  • Sylvia had booked a walk in the Enclave and enjoyed the sights and smells of wild plants. But even here the flowers were pollinated by nanobots.
  • She realized for the countless time how much you miss things previously taken for granted. ~A butterfly's erratic flightpath.~ ~The hum of a bee.~ A nanobot landed on Sylvia's arm
  • and she said hi. Humans and robots had learned to coexist thanks to Sylvia's incredible eyesight and negotiations. Every now and then, a rogue nanomachine would stir things up by
  • using a gigantic robotic blender. It was Known as Gagimaximillion. Red, with legs. It could hold a billion gallons of liquid. It's blades were made of adamantium. It had no
  • morals or ethics. No qualms with pulping frogs or nuns. Gagimaximillion had to be carefully observed lest it escape and embark on an apocalyptic rampage. It escaped under my watch.
  • Then the explosion. 3 a.m. and no sight of the thing. It was every budding necromancer's nightmare. Gagimaximillion had escaped, and there was nothing any frog or nun could do, but
  • Batten up the hatches and fasten the seat belts. Eureka! Major Tom was called to assist Det. Manatee in the investigation of the events. Frogs and nuns shared living quarters,
  • With the Dutch harlots that volunteered and already had their own habits. Detective Manatee was charmed by the quiet innocence on the harlots's faces. They had no idea what was abo
  • ut to happen to their lovely habitats. First, came the doves. Quacking and shitting everywhere, the doves attacked the Dutch harlot's headquarters like the fury of
  • angry nuns. It was over quickly.All that was left in the aftermath was a sequined thong,a couple of fake nipples,& a half-smoked cigarillo...& a few downy feathers floating around.


  1. SlimWhitman May 15 2017 @ 14:03

    How'd you channel the Nuns PP? Was it the habit-at?

  2. PurpleProf May 15 2017 @ 14:05

    Yes, it WAS because when I first read it, I saw "habits", which led to nuns...

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