The end of the world was approaching us so

  • The end of the world was approaching us so quickly, I could almost hear the screams of agony growing closer each day. It was only just recently that I discovered the screams were
  • coming from the apartment below mine. There was a hole in my floor/their ceiling and I used the hole to thoughtlessly discard the waste from my nuclear powered drum kit.
  • The hole in the floor emitted a blue glow and intense heat. The discarded waste had caused a nuclear chain reaction leading to a criticality accident. I could taste a metallic flav
  • or every time I breathed. But I was the only one who knew the code to shut down the reactor and save the city. However, the radiation didn't make me feel weak, it made me feel
  • awkward and unsure of myself. It dawned one me: re-puberty radiation! "Oh no," I whispered, falling to my knees. But the citizens needed me; I keyed in the reactor shutdown code,
  • but mixed up the 6 & 9s. One Kaboom! later, my rampant repuberty led the citizens to rethink their choices regarding me as their saviour & upvoted me to represent them at the Counc
  • Council of Overbearing Nitwits United, CON-U for short. It took little work to get where I am today - hours of campaigning for tax cuts for the rich. They loved my trickle-down
  • Economics of buying from china or mexico, then selling it cheap enough the working stiffs can afford it. The former middle class, that is! It worked until the day when the sucking
  • government raised taxes once again, rendering everyone practically penniless. The former middle class migrated in wagons to Canada. And that's how Japan actually won WWII.
  • AfterJapan won WWII,the Canadians didn't like how all the Americans were moving up North.Cndns were too nice to say this aloud,but it was obvious.Thus the band All-American Rejects


  1. Magic May 11 2016 @ 22:47

    Gahhh, didn't realize I was last line. Sorry!

  2. PurpleProf May 11 2016 @ 22:50

    And I thought I was writing the last line! Haha!

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