Dave entered the Comfort Zone and decided

  • Dave entered the Comfort Zone and decided to claim it as his own. Dave built his home in the Comfort Zone and never wanted to leave. The Comfort Zone was
  • not far from the Sweet Spot where Dave worked to pay his mortgage. Each day on his way to work, Dave crossed the Bridge of Opportunity & gazed down into the Still Waters which ran
  • Into the Slough of Despond here in lovely Vanity Fair. Dave spent his day Pushing the Envelope. He pushed it in a special central groove in his desk from one side to the other
  • and back again, ad infintum. Exciting times for Dave at Vanity Fair. Then he looked over into Brad's cubicle & saw a sign on his desk which read: The Buck Stops Here. Dave had $1.0
  • 1. That meant he had a little over a buck. When the buck stopped, that little extra penny went past Brad, Derek, Jessica, Amber and landed smack dab on Irene. Her cheek actually.
  • 2. The funny money circulating was not worth much. It was shocking to see the devaluation. 3. "The Voice" repeated, "Beware of green slime." This went on 24/7 and I wanted to shut
  • the infernal rip in the fabric of the past/future that had led to us being stuck in this Fold like lemmings to the slaughter. Lemming on a stick in never gonna fly. Homeland Securi
  • -ty no longer allows Lemming-on-a-stick in any government building, ever since someone tried to 'stick it to the man' and forgot to remove the lemming. Senator Borf suffered bites
  • and the lemming suffered emotional trauma. And all of it happened on live tv. Soon the video of the lemming climbing Senator Borf's face was all over Facebook. Luckily,
  • Senator Borf was a Lame Duck--he had only four friends on Facebook--and he felt bad for the lemming, so he took it in; gave it free reign of his house, don't feel bad for the rat.


  1. SlimWhitman Dec 30 2018 @ 05:48

    Lemmings are very sticky about being mistaken for rats.

  2. MadWorld Dec 31 2018 @ 12:58

    The Lemming is a "rat" because it couldn't keep its mouth shut!

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