The way hot female space aliens looked down

  • The way hot female space aliens looked down on a 14 year old farmboy in his bedroom. Pollika said "Shall we abduct this specimen?" Pollrida responded "Maybe we should mate with him
  • and then cut off his head-" the adolescent shuddered in horror "-with our vaginas." The young boy's face, which had been contorted into a look of frozen terror, brightened as
  • he remembered that he'd been inducted into the hall of dream sequencers. For a minute there, he forgot that he was not in the real world. He'd chosen Breakfast Serial Killers of De
  • troit as his dog's name but the dog refused to come when he called it. Maybe it wasn't his dog at all. Maybe he'd just dreamed he had a dog. He looked down at his cat with a
  • doggie leash and a squeaktoy in it's mouth. No, it was just that his cat thought she was a dog. She fetched the newspaper, bit the mailman, & hid the remote. Himalayan catpoodles
  • were beasts when they were in heat, though. They'd scratch at the door and purk forever or until you let them out to mate with other catpoodles waiting in the alley. His catpoodle
  • unfortunately had fallen in love with a sexy and fierce catlobster activist whose interest in his catpoodle was not so much sexual or romantic, as socioeconomic. The world order
  • was reorganizing at a dizzying pace; few recognized that it would eventually resolve to a cat-hybrid-unipolar system. Catpenguins, catoctopi, catlemurs, catcats -- would dominate
  • . Dogroses, dogfish, dogmatists and dogberries were banned from the Cat Hybrid Kingdom. The catpoet that wrote some doggerel to celebrate was executed. It was a strange & arbitrary
  • kingdom. The leader planned to take over the world, and his subjects were gung-ho for about two seconds before they saw something shiny. Then the leader was scared off by a vacuum.


  1. lucielucie Feb 04 2014 @ 15:00

    Breakfast Serial Killers of Detroit as a dog's name made me laugh so much! I've had relationships like that: 'All you think about is socioeconomics!'

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