I'm a panda waiting to be rescued from the

  • I'm a panda waiting to be rescued from the Antarctic. Why am I here.
  • I'll tell you why you're in the Antarctic. You're the innocent victim of Panda Diplomacy. China's staking its claim to the continent by parking pandas there. Your sad eyes look out
  • but I want to say "Turn around bright eyes," because every now and then I get a little bit lonely and you're never coming round. That's why your're in the Antarctic. Frankenstein
  • ."Every now & then I fall apart. I get a little bit angry & the knobs fall out of my neck. I just lose my head." Time for the lighting to flash in your eyes Frankenstein.
  • It was too late to turn around now. Frankenstein had a total eclipse of the heart. His unnaturally bright eyes settled on Bonnie, who was simultaneously terrified & aroused. "AAARR
  • RRE you sure you don't want to come over?" Bonnie said frankly. Frankenstein chose that moment to focus his bright eyes on the eclipse though and was blinded by the light.
  • Another runner in the night streaked by in a Flash! The back of his shirt said: SAVIOR OF THE UNIVERSE. Frankenstein stumbled in his blindness. Flash thought he was challenging him
  • to a fight, and being a man of many talents, he graciously accepted. "Take that, you cur!" Flash said in a surly but not altogether displeasing Liverpool accent. "That'll teach you
  • to mess with The Flash!" The British Flash then rapid-fire punched the dastardly villain in the face, then sped around the area, rapid-fire punching the other villains in the area.
  • But his punches had the impact of a marshmallow being tossed in one's face, or at best a bunny being gently pressed against one's face. The mildly irked villains shot him dead.


  1. PurpleProf Nov 04 2014 @ 09:42

    HAHA! Gibber: "...or at best a bunny being gently pressed against one's face." LOL!

  2. Gibber Nov 04 2014 @ 11:29

    Thank you, PurpleProf.

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