The objects stopped. They loyal citizens

  • The objects stopped. They loyal citizens placed their faith in them by
  • arriving precisely everyday at 6 am to wind them up. The citizens of Greenwich were more like the clocks than the clocks themselves. They never changed. The women
  • walked around looking like they had HUGE...clock weights and the men had fantastic pendulums. Greenwich is a city that never sleeps, too, because people ignore alarms and just
  • rely on their 'internal clocks' to wake them up and get them places. Which is great, unless you're a traveler hoping to catch a train on time to get to your life-or-death meeting w
  • ith the President of the United States. Of course, my nerves were progressively worsening, and, as the train left just seconds before I reached the platform, I began to panic.
  • Running after the train I jumped and not entirely James Bondlike caught the railing of the caboose dangling precariously,but the President was in danger and as a secret service man
  • I wasn't about to take any chances by imitating the movies. I quickly climbed onto the train. A couple henchmen spotted me and ran toward me. I swung my bat at
  • him my bat hit him in the headso hard that his eyes rolled back into his head and he fell to the ground the other henchman stepped back and reached for a gun ran he pointed his gun
  • at himself, "It's no good!" He cried "If I can't construct proper sentences what good am I?" He pulled the trigger. Meanwhile the guy on the floor groaned. His eyes
  • had seen too much. His heart had ached too long. He curled up in a fetal position, weeping like a baby. Then Aunt Valetta came into the room, bearing warm cinnamon rolls.


  1. SlimWhitman May 20 2015 @ 14:39

    Mmmhhhh... cinnabuns...

  2. PurpleProf May 20 2015 @ 14:46

    It is exactly what my Aunt Valetta would have done...

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