Las montañas misteriosas, el bosque encantado

  • Las montañas misteriosas, el bosque encantado y el cielo azul
  • . Silence. Even on their best days I had a sneaking suspicion that the vast majority of them would rather be anywhere other than my Spanish class. "Come on! The mysterious mountain
  • Mexican is waiting for an answer!" he demanded. We all wondered from which mountain he had come from. One student tentatively said "il taco bueno?" Without so much as blinking,
  • That's when I was pulled by suspenders in the Luch Libre ring by Gender Bending Mexican Wrestler Named EL LA. I hung onto the turnbuckle but it was greased and
  • I slipped and fell on my ass. EL LA intended to take full advantage of this situation and slammed into me so hard, I swore I saw stars like in the cartoons.
  • I stumbled about in oblong circles like any proper cartoon character would given the situation. EL LA did not seem pleased, and punched me again.
  • "Ow," I said, rubbing my cartoon arm. I resumed pacing, glaring at EL LA who was reading another punch. Why couldn't he let me think on what species I was? Being a cartoon for four
  • different newspapers was hard work! Each stab of ella's pencil that was creating me on her womb-page felt like a slap in the
  • eardrum, deep and penetrating. I was glad she was using cerelean blue, though, to color in my shorts because it's always been my favorite color. OK, stop pushing so hard...uhhhuh
  • *pop* the Q-tip burst through my eardrum, impaled my brain, and I fell into a deep sleep, dreaming about blue crayons and ponies. I would have such a headache the next morning.


  1. KieferSkunk Oct 15 2012 @ 23:03

    What do cartoon characters dream about when they're in comas? Now we know.

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