As I drew my last breath, Images of the horrors

  • As I drew my last breath, Images of the horrors I had created, of the lies and deceit I had inflicted upon innocent people, flooded my mind. I had been a news anchorman for over 40
  • residents in upper Sasquatchewan. My "Tea With Bigfoot" segment (Tuesdays after sports) actually starred Vinny, my costumed cousin. Ironically, my fate had been sealed by the real
  • Sasquatch who didn't take kindly to Vinny aping him on th weekly radio program & hitchhiked to Saskatoon & showed up at the CBC radio studio just as Vinny was suiting up as Bigfoot
  • 's Therapist. Sasquatch finally realized that Mr. Henderson was making fun of him. This wasn't friendship, this was something else. This was co-dependency
  • of a sort that Sasquatch had abandoned long ago. Mr. Henderson was just something else to be avoided. Blueberry muffins were just a lure to further mockery and tabloid press. So,
  • disillusioned with the world -- and with blueberry muffins -- what else was there to do but start constructing traps to rid the world of Mr Henderson for good?
  • I spent the better part of 8 months in my basement laboratory perfecting the design for my Mr. Henderson trap. It was an elaborate death contraption, a Rube Goldberg device, which
  • was overly complicated but would eventually got the job done. Poor, unsuspecting Mr Henderson would lean back in his chair, triggering a cord which would pull the leg of a
  • side table, toppling the lamp, which crashed to the floor, upsetting the ashtray which was on the edge of Mr. Henderson's desk, catching some files on fire, then spreading quickly
  • , consuming the nylon carpet tiles in its fiery maw. Last I saw of Mr Henderson, he was silhouetted against the flames like the boy on the burning deck, beautiful and bright.


  1. SlimWhitman Dec 29 2013 @ 21:54

    The Henderson & Sasquatch saga has a grand finish. Would be a good ending to a novel.

  2. lucielucie Dec 30 2013 @ 12:34

    Thanks SW - it's from my Bigfoot project that I've been working on for the past decade.

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