They always came in threes. I stood in stunned

  • They always came in threes. I stood in stunned silence as he threw the first shovel of dirt upon the casket not knowing when today would end and tomorrow would begin. Three. A
  • grave robbing trio bonked him on the head with a rake and opened the casket. "A three-piece suit, what luck!" "And tailored too, boss." I dialed but three numbers: 9-1-1. My wish
  • to the blue fairy came true. But now the wish had
  • entered the realm of reality, and like all real things it was bound to corrode with time. How long had Pinnochio been a boy? Decades? But now he had wrinkles and his hair was
  • unkempt like he got hit with an old age stick. Pinnochio had thought he would always be a boy. Although the fairy was able to stall it, she could never stop the march of time. It
  • was her sole regret in life, "I'm so sorry, Pinocchio." cooed The Blue Fairy, "I wish I could do more to make you a real boy..." "It's OK," he replied. "Geppetto said all good thin
  • gs come to those who wait.” The Blue Fairy replied, “Gepetto is full of shit. You don’t have to wait.” She let her dress drop to the floor. Pinocchio’s nose grew without him lying.
  • Then, they were safe for work, and wanted others to do good, safe for work kind of things.
  • Good things like office parties where a broad in a dental-floss bikini jumps out of a giant cake & safely gives everybody a lap dance, & carefully licks the gin off everyone’s chin
  • It’s moments like those that a man doesn’t even mind the thin sheen of slobber left over on his face. In his mind, it becomes a physical memory of a magical moment that passed.


  1. LordVacuity Apr 26 2020 @ 02:20

    Wow ManateeGhost you made slobber ethereal for me.

  2. Jimbeau Apr 26 2020 @ 02:37

    A politically correct ending. Very mainstream.

  3. PaperQueen Apr 26 2020 @ 11:11

    I like how rapidly this story transitioned between vastly different subjects - from grave-robbing to fairy tales to a saucy office party :D

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