With the ability to fire string better than

  • With the ability to fire string better than Spiderman, to grow faster than a steroid abuser and even to create life, the penis is a man's most prized possession. This is what
  • most people think, but I believe that Silly String fires string faster than Spider Man or a penis. Please investigate. Sincerely, James Franco". He sent his email to Myth Busters
  • but because it was written in crayon in block letters, Mythbusters misread it and thought that they were testing whether Silly String fired faster than Spiderman's penis. After
  • many repetitions and a truly rigorous testing procedure done over a weekend in Ricardo's basement, Spiderman was plumb spent out. Mythbusters examined the data and concluded
  • yep the hosts of Mythbusters hate each other and are trying to kill each other.
  • They've been brainwashed into thinking the Illuminati are after all of them. They think each Mythbusters' co-host is plotting something cruel against one another. One even
  • snuck into Area 51 disguised as a sane person, and that took some effort, let me tell you. But he didn't get far when someone there recognized him as an actual alien. A sane one,
  • who found what happened next insane. His presence there was taken as a threat. So much for the friendly welcome we were offered to Area 51. The whole shebang went into SHUT DOWN.
  • “Listen, if anything happens to me, Trog will kill everyone,” said Rennie. “You’ll have to stop him. Repeat after me: Trog, Rennie barada nikto.” I was paralyzed with fear. “Say it
  • to be safe.” Something was wrong: I’d seen The Day the Earth Stood Still. Rennie? Trog? Not Klaatu? Gort? Rennie snarled, “Don’t be a dick and believe what you see in the movies!"


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