The primates inhabiting the Condominium Planet

  • The primates inhabiting the Condominium Planet expect that the characters are confused. It's the way the machinery works after the sleep deprivation treatments.
  • Since the Condominium Planet's primate residents live entirely below the surface such experiments were easy to perform by randomizing light dark phases. The Union of Chronobiologic
  • Tortoises was founded in 1972 and nobody knew what was going on at this time. Was it a light phase? Was it a dark phase? And who had the power to decide? One day
  • was all it took to work it out. It was a dark phase and Richard Nixon decided on his trip to China to pick up the pandas. Tortoises nightclub shut down in 1977 because disco had ri
  • gid rules regarding the closing time - and most of the customers weren't pleased with them. While picking the pandas in China, Nixon thought a bit more about bringing them into
  • crates and then shipping them to the countries where pandas were more likely to be appreciated than wanted for doing crime.
  • America. Just kidding, we imprison everyone (prison-industrial complex LOL). The pandas arrived in Australia, which has a history of convicts and World Cup dominance. They hid in
  • a eucalyptus forest and acted like koalas. This fooled the fugitive chain gangs lying low in the same area, but big, black and white koalas look like dinner to a starving man.
  • A thought then suddenly occurred to me as my reflection rippled in the mosquito infested pond. Immediately getting out my knife, I carved out the insides of the captured koala to
  • release my psychotic energy. I was sick...a sicko...and I knew it. Everything suddenly just seemed so funny! Burrowing my bloody hands in my hair, I threw my head back and...cried.


  1. PurpleProf Jun 30 2014 @ 21:37

    Poor tortured soul...

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