She was left in the dark alone with no one

  • She was left in the dark alone with no one to comfort her or tell her it was going to be okay.

  • The night hid her surroundings. There was barely a moon to keep her path lit as she stumbled, looking for her friends who left her.

  • She stumbled about, clutching her bleeding stump of an arm, calling, tirelessly, "Annie? Will? Anybody?" they had abandoned her here, left her to die. Exhausted, she collapsed.

  • She awoke, disoriented and blinded by the light above her. She looked on in mute, paralyzed horror as small furry gremlin-like creatures began to perform surgery on her arm stump,

  • which was held down by straps. Moving with rapid, insect-like precision, the creatures attached ten squid tentacles to her arm stump. They then kicked her out of the flying saucer.

  • It was a long way down, so they gave her ten books to read; one for each tentacle. During her free fall she recalled the alien's saying "Read all ten books before impact and live."

  • She tried to read while free falling,but it was too difficult as she couldn't focus on the words. She started to panic

  • She could barely hold onto her glasses and the pages kept flapping with her rapid decent. "Step 1: Open Chute." Well, that point was moot.

  • She let the little booklet fly away from her and concentrated on plummeting to her death. "Go jump with a parachute, they said", she thought cynically. Fuck this, I'm too young to

  • die." She took a big step back, joined a 12-step program, eventually returned to grad school & became a kindergarten teacher in Angola, where she is now living happily every after.



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