"My bestfriend's boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend,

  • "My bestfriend's boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend, raped me." I had to say it. Wow, it felt amazing to let it out. The group looked at me understandingly. The group therapist turned to
  • me and nodded. "That's very brave of you to say, Clarence. Would you like to talk about it further? Or does anyone else in the group have something to say?" I was about to continue
  • when Eberhardt timidly raised his hand. Delighted that he had finally been coaxed out of his shell by Clarence's confession I was about to call on him when
  • suddenly a flaming basketball shattered the window. Everyone scattered to get away from the ball out of an entirely rational fear of death by incineration. Unfortunately,
  • they all died anyway. The end.
  • ..in no way justified the means. Those otters didn't need you to crossbow everyone in the cul-de-sac, did they?
  • One would think otters where Nature's jesters.Little did anyone know that all their dens led to an elaborate underground tunnel network. They're up to something,
  • something we otter know about. Personally, I think they are constructing the Keystone pipeline without the consent of Congress, but that's neither here nor there. Their dens were
  • populated with Dick Cheney's staff and Bush Jr.'s staffs' staff. Underground and living with the bears allowed the neocons to dig their way to
  • a rut, and there they stayed, cowering in huddled balls and watching the shadows emitted through the entrance. The subliminal proselytizing machinations continued indefinitely.


  1. Zetawilk Nov 05 2012 @ 17:24

    Okay, so I'm, like, back now, I guess. Such as I am.

  2. KieferSkunk Nov 05 2012 @ 17:33

    Orpheus gets my vote for funniest twist. I couldn't stop laughing at that one, which is part of the reason my follow-up was so gosh-darned lame.

  3. SlimWhitman Nov 05 2012 @ 18:00

    Nice way to make an entrance GB :-) Awefully topical. Find a new better cord?

  4. Zetawilk Nov 05 2012 @ 18:23

    Yep, and it has a blue light. Now I can get back to my folding and my porn and be debilitatedly depressed about everything ELSE wrong with my life! Huzzah! See, it's self-deprecating humor, so that makes it socially acceptable albeit a bit nineties. Where's my non-alcoholic cider and my borscht?

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