The statisticians and the accountants gathered

  • The statisticians and the accountants gathered at the Oval in London to watch the Ashes test match. It could be 5 thrilling days of graphs, numbers, beer and cricket if
  • anyone else showed up. The statisticians and accountants looked around at the empty venue. Nigel was the first to speak. "Look, maybe we need to find a better way to showcase our
  • genitalia." There was a silence amongst everyone because they all hated Nigel. He always thought of so-called "new and creative" ways, but they all ended up to be retarded ideas.
  • Nigel was always first. He had blond curly hair. He was the main star in Top Secret. He dressed as a cow and when a calf went for milk he very eloquently waited for the calf
  • to finish before making his own way to the milking parlour. Although Nigel had tasted the fruit of Hollywood stardom, he now had to supplement his income as a part time cow. Dairy
  • Products were more in demand than ever, thanks to Elsie the cow doing commercials for Borden. There were a lot of gigs for these skills. Elsie was world famous ad a result of all
  • the ads that she added her adage to."My Milk is udderly scrumptious & my Milkshakes do a body good!" Farmer Bob was in love with Elsie & wrote a letter to propose to her. "Dear Els
  • ie, you are more than a cow, you are the person I love. Marry me?" Elsie was outraged. "Cows are less than people?" She stormed into Farmer Bob's house and trampled him to death.
  • Elsie the cow took Farmer Bob's broken body and threw it into the meat grinder. A month later, some people in Minnesota complained of bit of straw hat in their Clown Burgers.
  • The burger chain knew the drill. They were always getting sued over straw hats in their burgers. They considered it a cost of business. Elsie got away with it but learned a lesson.


  1. Gibber Aug 28 2017 @ 23:23

    I usually try to avoid violence, but this time I simply didn't.

  2. SlimWhitman Aug 29 2017 @ 02:20

    Cows seem pastoral, but they can do that if backed in a corner.

  3. Woab Aug 31 2017 @ 14:32

    Just don't wear a straw hat, and you ought to be fine.

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