Ancient stores selling rare antiquities lit

  • Ancient stores selling rare antiquities lit up the Main Street of Chinatown as Jack-o-lanterns were lit up one by one by the guardians protecting
  • collections of dowery chests, foot vices, midget thrones, & curiosity cabinets filled with dried exotic animal organs, nests, claws & horns. In this alley everyday was Halloween.
  • The air was damp and smelled of decay. You could swear there were spirits haunting this place. Today was not a good day for Halloween. It was a day of trickery, not one of treat.
  • It was a day when the threshold between worlds was thin, and a day of trespasses and revisitations. I loitered in the abandoned building despite the growing sense
  • of doom &yet, I knew if I didn't enter the next realm, all I ever wanted would be lost.Thunder rumbled overhead & a flash illuminated my dark corner. Suddenly, there it was. A door
  • man dressed in a dark suit stepped aside whilst pulling open a wrought iron gate. "Step inside, my precious," he said. There was something in his voice that convinced me to
  • step forward tentatively. I felt a prickling sensation go from the nape of my neck down into the ground. That was strange. Usually it was the other way around. It was so dark.
  • By the time I noticed the dread creeping over me I was almost entirely consumed with it. Paralyzed, my survival instinct kicked in. Light exploded from my hands, cutting through
  • The white noise coming from outside. The wind tossed garbage cans around and sounded like the old car I drove 30 years ago. Nothing could muffle the deafening silence from
  • the one who had hitherto been my closest companion. No longer would those beloved vocal issuances paint my life in vivid colors. I've been sentenced to loneliness. My tv has died.


  1. PurpleProf Feb 24 2016 @ 21:43

    Title: Suspension of Disbelief

  2. Dhanithecat Feb 25 2016 @ 07:15

    Good title!

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