One day after school, I decided to take a

  • One day after school, I decided to take a lunch break at Mcdoonalds. When I got there I saw that everything was quite normal as I waited patiently in line until...

  • the door was slammed shut and a person in black came into view. He pointed his gun against the poor cashier who shook in fear. But before anything happened, the police came and

  • sang Mr. Wonder's "Love's in Need of Love Today" with very nice harmonies. The gunman apologized, the cashier accepted it, but they both felt bruised. Unfortunately, Asteroid 13078

  • would miss the planet entirely, causing massive embarrassment all over the world. The gunman nodded awkwardly, and turned away, as the cashier nodded encouragingly, while closing

  • his hand around the grip of a Louisville slugger. The cashier brought the bat into contact with the gunman's dome in a manner not inconsistent with

  • the way the gunman's girlfriend had disposed of two of the guards. The gunman crumpled to the floor, and the cashier dropped the bat, but the girlfriend rounded on him and

  • busted a camel clutch on him. CRACK! His spine shattered. The Gunman and his girlfriend were known as the World Wrestling Entertainment bandits. They robbed a Krispy Kreme

  • , making sure they took an extra batch of chocolate iced with coloured sprinkles. Then they took to their safehouse where they ate the doughnuts and got bloated and constipated. Th

  • Then I wondered... where, when, & why had sprinkles been invented? The safehouse walls revealed no answers. I licked my lips finishing off the last of the sugary glaze and heard

  • Smiley's people outside. Soon they'd break in, but I'd eaten the instructions for the device encoded in the sweet crystals. I always liked almond flavor & died with it on my lips.



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