"That's how the cookie crumbles - you step

  • "That's how the cookie crumbles - you step on it," the detective muttered. A Keebler elf's corpse, with a boot print in the torso's stead, was at her feet. What murderous hiker or
  • would kick such a cute poney unicorn? she asked. "A short fat guy with REI membership." said the unicorn & bounded off. Det.Gracie Heffalump found a black cookie in the dead elf's
  • f.u.p.a. Det.Gracie Heffalump was surviving a grade A prime bender which left him visibly shaken. The black cookie only made things worse. Was the Unicorn and the dead Elf
  • vicarious twins? The unicorn vanished that night. Det. Heffalump was assisted by Winnie the Pooh. "There is just the footprints of the Unicorn", Pooh told Gracie. A unicorn's
  • hoof-print trail was clearly visible from where Winnie the Pooh was standing. Det. Heffalump and Gracie praised the bear's observations. They were one step closer to finding them.
  • But it was an unexpected text message Pooh received that really broke the case wide open. Pooh showed the text to Heffalump and Gracie. "Aliens are coming to abduct all the sexy
  • grandpas!" Pooh, Gracie and the Heffalump were sad to see Grandpa rising up the beam to the flying saucer, but he seemed happy enough at the time. Soon the Hundred Acre Wood was
  • far behind them as the flying saucer turned left at Alpha Centauri. Grampa explained his presence to Pooh and the gang and they all arranged to meet up after Translation. Pooh felt
  • a small pang of fear and loss. After the Translation, would he be able to understand his friends? Would the Hundred-Acre Wood still feel like home? Pooh couldn't let himself regret
  • his decision. "Oh bother!" Besides, regardless of the Translation, there was the universal supernaturalism of The Honey Pot. Pooh buried his head in the pot & simply let it happen.


  1. PurpleProf Jul 07 2017 @ 20:41

    This is like a dream I might have had after taking oxycodone. Strange, vivid, disturbing...but entertaining at the same time. The kind of dream that when I wake up, I am disappointed that it was just a dream. Oh, and I had to look up f.u.p.a. -- yeah...LOL!!!

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