Mince a lb of Hershey's kisses, two sticks

  • Mince a lb of Hershey's kisses, two sticks of butter, burnt sugar to taste, 1 bushel flowers dethorned, a kumquat, abalone, and thrush nest into an even paste. Apply liberally to
  • your lips and kiss me. It's the strongest love potion known to humankind! Ask the Ancient Sumerians--they knew a thing or two about kumquats." I did as he directed and lo! he trans
  • formed instantly into the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. I knew I loved him in that instant, and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. Which made it most upsetting I
  • had only one day left in the rest of my life, how do I know this? Because the devil told me. Thus, love and romance was the last thing on my mind, what I really wanted to do
  • was rob a bank and stick it to the man. Which man, I had no idea. Yet. And I couldn't waste any time thinking about it because of the whole dying thing. So I chose a random man and
  • I poked him with the branch. "Ow," he replied, "Quit it." I poked him again."Hey, stop that." This was fun. In the last remaining hours of my life, I would be fulfilled.
  • "I said STOP, you moron!" He pushed me, then immediately felt guilty. "I'm hurt," I lied. "Bad." He leaned over to help me & I poked home with the branch again. "Haha! Sucker!"
  • I ran off and he chased me down the winding road until we reached a bridge crossing a small stream. We dropped our sticks in and watched them flow underneath. Mine came first.
  • "I win!" I shouted. Suddenly the bridge started to rumble and from underneath we heard: "WHO DARES CROSS MY BRIDGE?". First a hand appeared, then
  • we noticed it had a small basket in it which said "place money here" and I wasn't sure what to do since I had spent all my money on that Fortune Telling for Dummies book I found at


  1. kristyleann Jun 26 2015 @ 23:35

    Sorry, everyone. I'm new at this and didn't notice it was the last line :(

  2. Chaz Jun 27 2015 @ 07:19

    Congratulations kristyleann! You did what every person on this site has done at least once! Welcome! :)

  3. lucielucie Jun 27 2015 @ 10:10

    How about.... "...I found at the Dingly Dell Centre for Hopeless Anarcho-Romantics."

  4. SlimWhitman Jun 27 2015 @ 16:37

    Works for me. Liked & liked.

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