Finished Folds (1—9)
1look absolutely smashing when worn as hat. You really can't beat it. Slap a little of that fresh business on your head and your gonna be swimming in fin ladies. Thus explains
7The less-cliched plot was constructed in a bunker beneath the surface of the Earth but upon activation it turned on its masters. As Dr. Halenoats watched his creation betray him he
1a pocket universe. You see each and every inhabitant of this world was edible. Soon the people of the pocket of the universe began to regard him as a kind of bogeyman. He would
2cosmetic surgery. He would need to raise a considerable sum of money to cover his many dangerous and unnecessary procedures. His plan was to kidnap the beloved dog of the foremost
0From the hole in sky poured forth a torrent of chocolate pudding. Pudding cascaded out of the whole and rushed across the surface of the earth. Buildings and were swiftly buried
1there has never been a magician so great as the man I saw that day on the subway platform. His hand were nimble and mustache majestic. I'll never forget the way he plucked quarters
0"Sweet Jesus! This was a terrible way to carry porcupines!" He then drops the porcupines on the ground and runs screaming out of the bar. He flails his quill-barbed arms in the air
0released a swarm of deadly bees from his mouth. The bees rose in baleful cloud and we're so great in numbers and density that they blocked out the light from the sun.
3microwave burritos. However, once lunch was done it was time for the crabs to hit the campaign trail. The crabs traveled from town to town delivering rousing speeches and inciting