1 Folds
3Continue on with this if you dare - Elbirret saw siht! Elbirret yletulosba! Noitautcnup eht tpecxe sdrawkcab saw gnihtyreve. Siht tuoba enod eb ot dah gnihtemos!
5ackward you lunkhead. Nobody uses the word lunkhead anymore Meghan "says Sam." Anyway who cares about quotations? I was talking about squids. "Meghan sighs again." You dumby.
1Sneezing again. This head cold just would NOT go away. But maybe, just maybe I can find some kobold minions that aren't TOO stupid, to search out ingredients to a legendary remedy
2chocolate shavings. Unfortunately, those shavings were starting the melting process and were like quick sand as well. The boys screamed for help, but with all the noise
0...And that's when I decided the song I was working on sounded like the losing half of a rap battle. So I crumpled the piece of paper and threw it in the trash. I started writing
2Five inches. That was the sad part. It was just five inches short, but it could never be fixed.
4"Wǒ tā mā de." The person glared at him. Then started shouting at him in some language he had no idea what was. A police officer in the vicinity noticed and started over to them
3Medeira drew circles in the waters of the fountain, chanting in a whisper the words of the only spell she could ever cast. It was forbidden, yet she did it anyway, knowing