0 Folds
2Seething beneath the surface of her smile was a subtle sense of slightly soiled subterranean sensations.
1character, not to mention all of the handwriting practice. The good news was that all of the water was giving his kidneys the flush of a lifetime and allowing his skin to survive
7The prize was exactly the amount of money she needed to finish up her plastic surgery so that she could start fresh in a new town where no one would recognize her.
3a layer of dust and the vague lingering odor of incense and charcoal from a long-discarded thurible and boat. The frankincense and myrrh of a forgotten Christmas celebration. I'd
3chaser. That should do the trick. The intermingling of household chemical odors created an intoxicating brew as she poured them into a martini glass. For good measure, she added
2Looking back on it all now, I realize that there are still questions I couldn't answer, solutions I couldn't offer, revisions I wished I'd proposed. The awful truth was that the
2the top of his head to hide his mane clumped with the remains of last night's gel and hairspray. He still could not remember where he had left his car or the name of the girl. She