Finished Folds (41—60)
3h. For them it was bad enough living in a fairy tale and hating it. But they had to post propaganda everywhere. Like that one with the panda that I don't even want to talk about...
1Oh what fun that binge was. Everyone was wasted and signing Row row row your boat at the end of it.
3Hempville told Ned Nasturtium he needed to shape up on his shooting. Ned kicked him and ran out laughing.
4My hardrive is full of your love.
5"Hey guys, I'm gonna fly!" Said that one guy at work
9Alien hand syndrome deforms the hands to have two claws. So If I get Starbucks I can't hold the cup or it will fall and burn my hand or feet
4The side kicks didn't want to be sidekicks anymore. They wanted to be in charge. So being lead by Bucky they started a revolt. The first attack was on Captain America who
5Other than the Hokey Pokey Rich performed other things like I don't want to be a chicken. The thought of chicken made him hungry so he got some KFC. The end!
0called Danfer. The farm was the less Utopian like than any other part of New Detroit, and the dirtiest in trashland village. They were often scared, but couldn't run off because,
1with a hammer. The city director died instantly after Chief Justice pulled his heart out.
2poison into the villains arm
5Charlie Brown ran as zombie Snoopy chased after him. Everyone he knew was a zombie. Eventually he was cornered by zombie Rerun who
0Mrs. Norris purred and rubbed against Ron's legs.
1So I grabbed a roll and covered it in "I can't believe it's not butter." and I really can't believe it's not!
5I had no idea why the label on Black Hole punch said it would make my insides boil. Then I hurried to the bathroom and puked. Then some one came up from behind me it was
6"Mr. Donovan?" Celia said nervously. "Yes, what is it?" Mr. Donovan asked. "I saw Theodore kissing Rusty." Celia said. Then Theodore and Amos entered the room and Mr. Donovan
5Today was the day Hello Kitty took over the world.
3Snoopy was sleeping on his dog house when Woodstock
1rode a squirrel for fun. But the squirrel bucked the gnome off.
1"We must concur Hasbro!" Said the president of Mattel.