19 Folds
4fellatio, I thought. That would hit the spot. Okay, & milk. (GOT to get my head out of the gutter. Do you know where milk comes from?) Then again, being double double stuffed might
5a positron was racing toward me. We'd both be annihilated, for Bohr's sake! And positive thinking was against my nature. Summoning my last shred of negativity, I charged.
3Instead, I had my child's hippocampus replaced with a 2T hard-drive, anti-virus & spam filter. NO signs of autism! Sadly though, without a campus, the hippos now live in my foyer.
4Bertha dutifully applied the prescribed ointment to her inflamed booboo. The fungus thrived, emitting a most provocative aroma. Men swarmed. And that's how the camel got its hump.
3after all. And yet, overconfidence is a tricky thing for one who wields the golden lasso of truth. The end came at Tiffany's--a tearful confession in a pool of vomited vodka.
4to slip away. Back in his lair, he gloated over the clever ruse, when suddenly there came a clamor of horns & slide whistles outside. Oh Jesus. The zombies had all become clowns!
5Bette Midler & Barry Manilow were one & the same hideous creature, 50s she-male Boris Midman. The 2 BM's were the result of early Soviet experiments in splitting the hermaphrodite.
4spraying a Christ-like image on a piece of fabric that would later be called the Shroud of Turin, baffling scientists & theologians for centuries. This cat's 10th life would prove
2on the buffet table nude. One of them removed her crude pasties, made of paper coffee filters cut like snowflakes. She folded them & tucked them into his shirt pocket. He burped.
4Dutifully, beautifully, she obeyed. The "sammich" would be a work of art -- egg salad on rye with earth worms, crushed glass, & menstrual blood.
4conflagration. Reminded him of home. Even the screaming recalled those throngs of damned souls under foot, writhing in eternal torment. As his black suit burned, the demon sang.
4had felt like a half-hour nap to the bewildered patient, who yawned &, scratching at last that wicked itch, laughed along, assuming the joke was how quickly they'd aged.
4it had his name on it. BAM! Hardly slowed by the windshield, it slammed into his head, smack between widening eyes. Globe & skull shattered in synchrony. Bells rang. Snow fell.
5& the wet scent of humus triggered something deeply rooted in my own soul's soil. Innocence maybe. Or loss. Her hands were an antique chalice cupping the sacrifice of years, of
5But get there early, that's the key. And make sure you ask a sales associate whether the brand in stock was produced with growth hormone or cruelty. The cruelty ones are best, but
3Alternatives were suggested, of course. Carrier bees, carrier bats, even carrier dust-mites with nano-fiche affixed to their nano-butts. Maybe narrow-casting wasn't the answer. We
8KIDS! SHIFT, DAMN YOU--Oh #%@$! Backspace, for Qwerty's sake BACKSPACE! --This has been a test of the emergency bullshit system. Had this been actual bullshit, it would continue.
5of things, of people. At first we assumed the cracked windows, spilled vases, crooked pictures, all the tweaked & broken items in our homes were random. We know now it was him. He
5But the car was quite empty, a detail which escaped the notice of those stalwart sleuths in hot pursuit. They we so focused on their quarry, that when it zoomed over the cliff
3made her anus wink to think about it -- the letter, pristinely sealed, weighed on the stainless steel scale, stamped, certified label affixed, the "signature required" box checked.