Finished Folds (1—4)
5Was this a "stay" or was it just luck and is it better not too look to close? Like when a bird lands nearby - you peer out of the corner of your eye hoping not to break the spell.
5A chorus of anxious nods replied. Silence. The Pope watched as the nods continued beyond a comfortable time, resisting the urge to speak and break the queasy silence. Eventually
3"To be fair, it's only fur." he quipped - secretly proud of a little bit of wordplay. "But there's not a Fee, Line your own pockets." That second pun was a more awkward - time to
8to grout the tiles". "Tell him we don't need any sprouts" Aunt May shouted indignantly - just that little bit too loud. "I'm sorry mate." they smiled at the workman and exchanged