Finished Folds (1—10)
3She came to terms quickly. "Nothing is certain but death and taxes", she whispered ghostily. Then she chuckled. "And the price of food at a theme park."
3screamed, "Do you think I'm pretty?" One of the rodents replied, "Yes." But he only wanted to please; he wore an eye-patch and had no sense of depth. The lie detector buzzed loudly
4she signed off on our divorce. I was free to pursue my dreams of going into space to find an extra-terrestial girlfriend who would call me Earthman and pleasure me with tentacles
3I stood over the children—tears in their eyes, chocolate longing in their hearts—and I laughed. I said to them, "I have eaten all the cake!" None could defy my power, so I moved on
2rescuing the oldest surviving cheesecake recipe. A boom from deep within the temple shook the stone walls and caused movement to his very bowels. Something was upon him and
3Boyzone—sappy and a little bit too old. I covered my ears and focused my thoughts on the task ahead. Tonight I would have to destroy this place before
6unsure which way to run, such was his booming. Rage had transformed him to a monster and his hunger for meat could not be sated. He wanted it all, and he
3that we were all of us alike: criminals and outlaws for whom the universe had shrunk too small and the Galactic Police's reach too great. We trusted no-one, but mostly we despised
2Hell would freeze over before this place. I surveyed the four walls of my cell, harsh and tasteless as this chunk of prison food they try to call "meat". If only I had
2days she spent falling through the black and with nothing around that she could see, there was no sense of up, down or side—only the gurgle getting louder. The only consolation