Finished Folds (3041—3060)
3Fourteenth Nights reviews were encouraging. On the strength of those reviews Lewis asked Loella to be his bride through the tribulations & trials that were coming. Loella said No &
5But none of that made this interview any easier. Bear might have been house broken but he was not office broken so that he had peed all over my 10 page evaluation form. I had to
2surely not any more yonder than yon K on yon hill followed by a Y. A Y never answered.
4Still be seen burnt into the wall by the lobster tanks by the flash of the mushroom cloud we now call Flufgy, Flufgy the Mushroom Cloud. And her sidekick, Phlume.
3"Another successful operation," thought General Custer as he morphed out of the lion suit as Professor Loomis did the same from the burglar.
3He went back to the scene, the questions weighing him down, he barely made progress. For each he answered spawned eight more questions like a Hydra. With no Hylas to help him this
5We welcomed him with open arms and accepted him into our community. It was not easy at first. He kept forgetting that friends do not like it when you eat their children. We soon
1Our inadequacies that made us question that area between exponential and Real, between imaginary but veiled. So his feet were stuck in fat but in a shimmering. Frodo lives!
4was not now so, not yet. Those in that past wondered which of the others were there as well. But right now, in this very moment we need to lose some bud!
3Before I could answer Pauly, who had overheard from over by the combine, piped in with "Suffice?! Now your're using words like 'suffice' Nicky? That a word they use up there in New
1I am what I am not while not being what I am not being not. I am all these things and absolutely nothing to boot. But don't let that stop you from being the asshole I was, am.
3Suddenly, a wormhole appeared and General Custer came through it and ran into the cockpit where he got control of the airplane by using the wormhole as an engine to land the plane.
6as your youngest daughter, Anya, walks through the front door from school and having heard your body slamming into the kitchen wall, is running towards you and making concerned noi
3the Sun didn't shine! She flew off the couch like a hellhound, her nethers bleeding the fires of Consumption all over the furniture, igniting them and burning down the whole house.
4Leaking time, no matter how little, is never ideal. Time is money when your job is saving it. With every second that leaked out of that hole we were all being diminished. Jon took
5As he saw the end approaching he began thinking about his family. Solanaceae. Then he remembered his leaves were slightly toxic and he rubbed them in Chef's eyes and escaped.
3A past that I suddenly forgot! I was there on all fours in the rain and the mud looking back at a sign that promised Donuts. My guess is that whomever I am, I must like donuts.
3But in no time at all The Master Mason Himself will be upon the wicked and the just. That day is nigh! Oh fire of my loins, Lolita, you're the devil in my soul! Flee the crossroads
2Birthmark which looks like Frank Velcher and is located on your taint. Your grandmother blames the Townies for your taint. She is one of those who believe we are born taintless.
1The Tale of the 5 AM Sandwich and the Perilous Pickle of Peter Piper when confronted by Envy. Or sometimes The Rape of the Starbuck's Woman.who also worked at Panda Express.