Finished Folds (21—40)
2The next morning I intended to tell her but she had left me. This time it felt like for real. No way to walk this one off without heavy lifting. Maybe some wet work in onierium of
2"we stand for nothing but remain seated while defecating. Who are we?" Batman seemed unperturbed at the riddle the minced sphinx had thrown at him like a gauntlet. Like a challenge
0"Now to see if it has legs."
0By the time we got back to the story Harold had buried the three bodies. He's also baked a cake for Sofia. He was going to tell her about what happened at Sharp's Shed last night.
1He went still as he tried to figure out where someone had cocked a gun. Of all the days to send his Glock out for a polishing. He turned around. The chicken had the gun pointed at
2guide 9 souls through Purgatory to the Pearly Gates. Not everybody had a Beatrice.
4What number that is remains to be seen.
0Then he left the story.
1time. He knew he had to get back to the mission. He gave the Nurse money for a cab or Uber. He told her they would always have the messhall. She laughed through tears and left.
3Then I take a hard look at my mother's face. Except all I could see was Susan Sarandon holding my hand instead of my mother. I took a step back and she answered the phone in the fo
2-t that isn't yours," he crooned to the crowded club. "Your throat I want to pepper with kisses."
1Waldo Hiding The Salami?™ was another of our game offerings. Another was Sawdust Motel. If VR is more your style, we offer Take Your Hitman To Work 3: Human Resources. If you say
1warden Schlomo Solanzski Rimshot O'Neill had thought to himself how quiet the beat was tonight. Somebody had left the cake out in the rain.
1“You, a mere human, dares to question the wisest mice of Micedom itself,” the mouse asked her sternly. “Micedom,” she asked incredulously. “I simplified the name for you. Micedom.
2I mean it. Marilyn Monroe literally handed me her tongue out of her mouth. it was littered with nuggets. It was turning blue. Que Sera, que sera. The future isnt ours. Neither do w
3Or so I thought.
1ege. I had gotten my first custom fit clown shoes. It was a pretty good time to be a clown. I minored in Pantomime on a lark. I'm wearing my Vote for Pedro shirt. President Trump
3She reminded herself she had made that walk through the fire voluntarily. She had only ever tried to do what was right. She ran inside and the crowd burned it down with her inside.
1In James' dream he had just thrown a charlatan at Missouri.
0Pinky didn't answer. Pinky wasn't there anymore. He kept forgetting. A blow to the head had robbed him of those memories about Pinky.