Finished Folds (3621—3640)
2"And as King I will have my Sponge Cake and feed it too." When this got out the news services were all over it. Who made the sponge cake? Was the capitalization significant or not
4Could you use it in a sentence please?
2with your running grunion. But don't the let the moonbeams leave you Not So Fresh because you've got Your Destruction in your ballistic shorts. Not as short as it seems. Really.
1like the heady odors of this summer evening bring to mind some Madeline long forgotten to living the life that I had. A Provost Chair of Antiquies at Trump University.
10you or somebody else. Somebody that can pull their souls out through their feet? Somebody that can defeat their visions? If you are I can't believe I just called you pencil dick!
6to go go bar. Mango go go at go go bar. Mango is not Mojo Jojo. Mango is a fruit I could do without.
5well, one ambition: Slykke Li the prettiest skink this side of the bayou. I ain't ever been to that side of the bayo so I don't know what their skinks look like.
3and more mile to but neither refused to allow for unethical misuse of tort reform as a red herring anti-pasta. It would get smothered by the Maddog 2020.
2inspector deemed subpar. He listed among many more deficencies, the following: To big a crew was involved to be classified a solo effort. Use of conflicting Shonen honor systems.
1the dead guy keeps kicking it somebody that is banking it is lying.
4ran afoul of the decency clauses in all of their contracts so the show was stopped and pulled off the air. Some think it was because of what happened at that commune in Munich.
6Talk about bad timing! As soon as I took off my leg warmers a mini Ice Age hit and froze the children and only a Sweetpea with a Dreamlord Elk could save them and the planet from
4of dieing that he never got around to livin. L I V I N. Livin. Which was a nice cozy hamlet in far North Pascal County at the mouth of the Dreamlord's Distraction State Park.
3"And you think you can accomplish your mission and return to the Fold?"
2Three innocent steps when seen from a certain perspective are a crime. What is the ethics of that? And who does it pay? Girl, who did your rosy glasses? (Possible sister of George)
3mother's reaction but when she smiled I was taken aback. "You have no idea how long I have been waiting for you to say that," she said with tears in her eyes. She hugged me and
3and beef entrail soup. Iggy Pop and his Stooges didn't get much better but at least their waitress was from FLA and knew how to walk on the wild side.
3first tertiary male hatched and imprinted on him. He should have not looked. It was too late. In a standing stupor he allowed the tertiary male scratch it's way up his arm until it
3It really came down not to them knowing to much but them knowing something the CIA didn't know. It didn't matter what it was, if they knew it and the CIA didn't then they got the
1a disgraced Ortho Man. 500$ could have bought a shitload of perceived injustice, especially if you knew who to get them from and he knew who. Boy did he know who.