Finished Folds (1—10)
3No telling where exactly she lost her head, but it had to have been after the nuclear explosion. Come to think of it, a lot of random occurrences can be traced back to the nuclear
2, but I can't help noticing them. They glide across the floor as if they had done this waltz a million times. Perhaps they have.
6a seamstress. Who knew? I was just inspired by the plastic bags. The texture was something I had never experienced before, and it was already waterproof. Perfect for a raincoat!
3The monkey typed this on my computer, further proving to me the ridiculousness of the probability of evolution.
1Yes, it had to be done. I had to go back to the cabin and confront my greatest fear. I wasn't going to be easy, but people were counting on me.
4"Ouch! That hurt!" screamed Lil J. He couldn't believe someone would just throw a magazine out their car window like that, but he had to know who hit him.
1a tree. It was the best they could find, but it worked! The bears ran right past him, and he immediately took off in the opposite direction.
6confessed that he was unimpressed. Sure, he liked the way it began, but like everything else in his life, the ending faded into a great big disappointment.
1It was sad really. The insults, that is. They flew at him, and he grew so used to it, that it became fuel for him. Oh, he could pretend it was okay, but it never really was.
4was out. Everyone knew now that Big Bob was, in fact, afraid of spiders. They creeped him out! It didn't matter how big or small either. He screamed when he saw the crawlers.