Finished Folds (1—12)
6clumsily, dazed and confused. His disheveled wizard hat was partly pulled down to half-conceal his glazed, vacant stare. The head wizard tried to direct attention away from him as
2into orifices that you didn't know had peculiar English slang names, many lacking consonants. The gladiator fights degenerate into a slur of vowels and a lot of hot tea-flinging.
6and, to his surprise, found that the judges were impressed by his "effective parody of popular views on capitalism in post-industrial soviet russia." He suddenly found himself in
0Security had been beefed up considerably. The badly dressed twentysomethings swaggered awkwardly on stage, content with the presence of armed and uniformed guards in every corner.
0they never had anything to say to each other. She would offer a half-enthusiastic joke, and Lohan would try to chuckle. But there was never any ultimate satisfaction in it all.
1There wasn't much I could do but wander to my car and slump into the driver's seat. What is one to do when their favorite oily-haired Mormon betrays them? I stared off into space.
0brandishing his own with one swift swipe of the hide he wore draped around his shoulders. It might have been the resultant blinding light that knocked me out, but i think it
6his face along the side of the high-rise. The drugs made every hair feel oddly sensitive to rubbing against glass. He tugged on a rope, and the system of window-washer pulleys
2I still had that wax my father always used to use." Memories of a shiny, uniformly cylindrical handlebar mustache flitted through her mind as she ruffled through her coat pocket
2And to this the child just didn't know how to respond; trying to conceal emotion, a flighs of stairs was ascended and a door was slammed and a bed was smothered in tears
5rather dryly that the job would probably give him a heart attack within the decade. His shrink's bluish lips didn't seem to make much noise after that, as he let loose a string of
5never given me any notice other than the smirks that he used to throw across the room when he felt it strategically necessary to remind me of his inner triumphs. As I drove