5 Folds
3With that in mind, I turned to Saboobedo, my oldest/youngest imaginary friend, and jokingly asked him, "Sleepy time over?" He puckered his lips and rolled over. My bliss vanished.
3to have each of her 16 legs individually insured with double indemnity clauses for them and herself as beneficiaries. I balked at the cost. Double indemnity sounds like extra cost.
3fall into Animal Farm: The MeToo Generation, to no avail. Having become ionized by her passing over the sun so closely, she was powerless until she was pixilated sufficiently. Gene
1I discovered why nobody else had signed up for the gig. The choir I inherited was bad. Not only couldn't most of them carry a tune. They were used to singing cartoon theme songs. I
6"That's borderline cannibalistic. That doesn't bode well for your prognosis, Iago." I knew why he was calling me Iago. He knew I knew. "Can I have my mind to myself for once," I as
3Fran Dresher, in her first role since winning 3 Tonys for "Waiting for "Waiting for Godot" to Begin." The Toledo Blade said, "Tomb Mouth is like running away with your teacher."
4those kinds of things will be in fashion. No more hiding your light in a bush. Ye, verily, Gilbert the Grey was truly shiny on the inside. Just as shiny as he was dour on the out.
2Life was going along quite swimmingly for Wes & Xavier. Thenone day, a homemade submarine crashed through the 1st floor's living room window. Out crawled a crew of Pasadena ladies.
4"That is an old fishwives tale. If the sea turtle is hungry they'll eat virgin cheese. They preferred the sweaty jockstrap left in a moldy locker tasting cheese." The priests were
4into Ms. Scarlet's garters. Det. Manatee immediately surmised Ms. Scarlet was really an undercover journalist posing as a floozy to get the goods on Col. Mustard. Who did what to
2But not unnoticed. Some guy wearing a barely there sari accosted them. "Used to be hard to slip into Wonderland. But a guy on a bicycle fixed that." Then he recognized Alice.
2shiny hubcaps of Leadbutt McMealymouth's '48 Tucker. Leadbutt walked out of the Whiskey-A-Go-Go to find Jim Morrison hugging his tire & crying about "another side of perception."
2coming until the cows came home. But they came to the wrong homes. One bovine was more than happy to find herself in the home of a notorious cowtipper. The boy was asleep when she
3that littered the fronds on the floor like so much repulsion. No biggie, Bradley thought to himself. He didn't need them all to bite. He only needed one. Erica wasn't worth biting.
2When I got home I managed to catch a quick shower. Then I dug myself into bed. I was dead to the world & the world to me. For 43 minutes. They called looking for my mascot costume.
2those used to a hard joystick in their hands. A little used option to play as Pop's daughter in search of his naughty magazines before killing him proved too controversial. Where's
1one could forgive sprouting extra tentacles. You had complained at two. But they gave you more alien yogurt and you cried out in ecstasy “Bring it on!” They now want to add mouths
4gathered what remained of his cabinet and lit it on fire. Of course, him being him, he did it live on all platforms. The Z-Anon zealots saw it as a vindication and sprung riots and
3Sordid tea house that fleeced the pilgrims that flocked to the Holy Mountain. Then the shoe became a flophouse for floozys. Finally, it was an orphanage run by Old Mother Hubbard.
4Slim and his sister Thick and her 3 kids. They were asleep when the Sasquatch slammed the dumpster lid open. “What in wide world of sports is going on out there”, Slim exclaimed.