Finished Folds (1—13)
3tial index." My screenplay ended there, but I chose to supplement "It's like Asimov's Foundation series but with quinoa instead of economics."
3Suddenly there was a commotion as the widow's son pushed his way up to the Doctor. "Sir? What's wrong?" "I need your clothes, your boots, and your MRI Machine."
2Now, armed with this memory, I know that I cannot be allowed to fail again. I had paid the ashen price, now I will reap my delicious syrupy reward.
3Yet the dread verse remained, an eternal hymn for Lost Carcosa played within my mind as liquid madness overflowed from its yellow chalice. "GET OUT!" I begged once more.
7"For instance," the professor noted, "I could explain why there's no general solution to a quintic polynomial, or I could just say mumble Galois mumble subgroup structure of S5."
3You see, there were two types of kid in the 90s: the ones who went to church, and the ones who watched Captain Planet. His current antipathy toward nature is characteristic of the
2"Hmm, so the magic mirror doesn't work..." I quickly scanned my inventory once again, but could find nothing with which to deter the fearsome yeti. In desperation, I
6slurred profoundly. Unfortunately for the Seagram's (and due to an embarrassing incident in the brewery), he was both - a fact Kevin would note upon their next meeting. As it is,
5Frank plunged into the briny deep faster then you could say "Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!" Berverly, meanwhile, broke into an impromptu cover of "Poor Unfortunate Souls"
4ever since the Unification Wars of '68. "I really wanted ta 'ave some gluten 'fore I kicked it, Badge." Honeybadger had no gluten at the time. Honeybadger could only watch as
10All three of us crowded around the Ouija Board. The second, excited, asked "Hey, does using this make us necromancers?" "Nay, 'tis but marked plastic." Noted the fourth.
4the faithful who had summoned the Lord Mario prostrated themselves before his divinity. He bade them rise, inquiring of the whereabouts of his princess. The Slayer of Deities then
3stage an elaborate car chase in which I stand atop a tractor-trailer whilst firing automatic weapons into the air, eventually concluding in my returning the book to its owner.