Finished Folds (1—10)
1just before his home-made napalm ignited and the fire wind decimated every tree within 500 yards. What a long way to go to get a plastic duck. If only he
4"Here, take this banana and keep it safe. No! I not want to know where you are hiding it!" The look on the cab driver's face told him exactly where he had chosen to hide it.
3she peeled bills from a roll large enough to choke a hippo. Throwing several at my feet, she said, 'You may be redder than the devils dick, but I like you.'
3local comic book store and pointed at posters of Superman, giggling like schoolgirls, the two of them holding hands. From where I stood, I could see
2put his privates back into the seclusion of his boxer briefs. Wiping his hands on the long hair of a hippie waiting for a trim, he said, "Pass me that
4psychotherapist, who was charging him a flat rate. Still, he had to do something with the crates of peanut butter in his basement, and he was beginning to like
3scrape dog dirt off of her high heel with a fast food coffee cup. But what really made me freak out was when she took a bite of
2It is possible to steal an infant from the hospital, if you do it just right. You do not even need to use a disguise, if you simply
2nearest spittoon so my little friends would have a place to take a bath. I never even saw the left hook that hit my zipper and exploded my brain. I think I passed out. I know I
1I just want to be able to throw myself at him and not have him freak out like the last guy I crushed on did. I never did get my panties back.