Finished Folds (21—30)
2and the sleigh flew faster than it had in centuries, Santa's wife had to cling to her husband, several presents came early that birthday gift giving became a normal for kids to get
2My lightsaber challenging this, strange creature this pointed hat wearing, thing looked like one "Keemstar" archived in ancient technology at least from what headshots showed, but,
2nt areas of consciousness the ego, superego and id. The id, our primitive instincts must be balance by our logical side, our superego, thus will man's Ego lead to a better society.
2outside filled me with hope, that cat we found weeks ago now had a consistent supply of food. He was once gaunt but now is looking healthier and thus filling me with determination.
3can grant one choice a topic or a competitors for the next episode of jeopardy. Thinking deeply and surprising Trebek. Einstein selected the subject of "Jung Shadows and Persona".
2would gamble and then lose greatly, however a good number of women would indulge into that massage train invite friends who would invite their friends ad nauseum with no end.
4Plesiosaurus. This ancient beast as paleontologist discovered appeared to primarily Salmon and secondarily grazing on leaves which were theorized to be around the beach dig-site.
1I will give you a discount if you will trade me some of the valuable spices. Siele agree to that fair deal and would become rather rich back in byzantine due to this historic deal.
2Pants dedicated to Johne Kjellberg whose contributions to the art began through video-sharing initially his first foray on that site consisted of many Let's Plays and make-up demos
2To announce my running mate for the next election primary caucus, her name is Daisy, I Donald vow that within 4 years the Economy will improve with the implementation of many great