Finished Folds (41—60)
6Perhaps it contained some sort or secret code or cipher? Perhaps it contained a terrible secret that everyone must know? Or perhaps it was time to take his medicine again.
0cocking one's head at a certain angle was able to provoke that reaction, but it was all he could do to comfort himself. Why else would everyone dislike him so? Perhaps
2mustache that had once been the height of fashion, but thanks to a certain Mr Hitler, it fell out of popularity for over a century. She pitied the mustache, and wanted to grow one
1go home and relax, have a cuppa and put the telly on." After such an eventful day, she felt that she deserved a rest, and that sometimes people should just sort themselves out.
1It was fine until I started ejaculating. Nitroglycerin is highly unstable don't you know, and the fact that I wasn't wearing a condom made it all the worse for her. I just have
1And that, that is one hell of a thing to do. What we have learned, is that in the end, all we ever want is for someone to make us look better then we are.
2prostitute servicing a customer. "Of course! Why find a princess when I could use my substantial coinage to speed up the process!" The frog did the deal and leaned in to kiss her.
4making the best dog meat sandwich in culinary history. No one would stop me in my quest. Not the vets, not the RSPCA, not even my own conscience.
4Scarn. A man who's name was synonymous with success. A man who would do anything to get the job done. The only man to have traveled in time in a fridge. He accepted the job, and
1it would matter whether or not the fur had an authentic smell. In the universe of Star Wars, all these details had care and attention put into them, but now
1Scott, the most expressive dagger ever made. Forged in the art lava of Bauhaus, it glowed with a critical sheen. "It will have to do." I thought, glumly. I charged
0twiddling his thumbs as he watched. I guess that's what happens when you hire a teenager as a sidekick, no attention span. And so, I died, while he slept with the evil genius.
1explained, "I hid inside a lead-lined fridge. Then, I used the force of the explosion to slingshot myself around the sun, causing me to travel back in time in order to stop you."
2The explosion was felt on the other side of the globe. With her final act, she sacrificed herself to save everything she knew.
1nap time. No more would adults dictate when a child would lay his head in forced rest. Her mind pulsated with the ideas that would lead this revolution. Now, if only
1soon. Well, until the parents could afford a good psychiatrist. As he waited, his member quivered in anticipation. "Soon, my pet. Soon."
1I'll tell you what nature did for us. Genitals. Ugly, disgusting, putrid genitals. It was time to put them to good use.
1leaped into action. I grabbed various vegetables that were within reach and flung them in his direction. When the dust settled, he stood with a
1throw small stones at him. We may all die, but we will go out heroes. Viva La Revolution! Also, Dave, could you let Chris know that we'll need a few body bags, thanks. Now we march
3He failed, and this is the story of the ninja that ended him. Once upon a time there was a ninja named ninjaninja, and he was a ninja. He began his ninja pilgrimage and found