Finished Folds (1—7)
1Coming to grips with the idea of reincarnation was hard enough, but to think he could have been with them the whole time... it was difficult to absorb that information.
1senses. It seemed they were now completely blind to the word.
2I retrospect more money could have been earned if the book was copied beforehand. Still, thirty dollars was quite good. I was proud of my student.
3The silence held. I shivered. I couldn't stop. My hand vibrated continuously. My heart rate quickened. It was so loud I could hear it's echoes in the back of my skull. I breathed.
11noticing that their was a dark hollowness in their eyes. A smile was plastered on to an empty soul. Each movement seemed almost robotic. As if they had all life sucked from them.
6It's nice to be stuck in a fantasy isn't it? But you can never be stuck forever. Some day you have to return reality... where it is kill or be killed.
4They're just a lot of work. It was never my intention to end up with children but here I am. Surrounded by three of them. I have a lot to do and so little time.