Finished Folds (21—40)
4I placed my order at one of the finest restruants in France. I turned to my friend, impressed with my French skills. "What did you say?" He asked. Just then, police sirens wailed.
3Charles the Burger said his farewells to his, now non-existent followers as he was slowly lifted up into Ronald's mouth. He shed a tear of ketchup, and was bitten into. The pain is
6A kindergartner approached. "Oh yeah? Well ! know the pythagorean theorem, and i have memorised various works, including War and Peace, The U.S. Constitution and The Very Hungry
4In the apocalypse, even the celebrities were turned into zombies. However, this had little effect on their careers. Tay Zonday released Chocolate Brain, and Justin Bieber
2I never finish anything I Sta
7I think I've gone truly insane. I've given all of my imaginary friends FaceBook profiles, and update them regularly.
3"Finish Him" A Voice yelled at me. I started to end the vile... FoldingStory., My Dad came in. "Son, I think you're beginning to take folding stories to seriously." "But Daaaad..."
8-ny. Fighting Crime, One Bratty Child at a time. She looked up at the World Crisis Monitor. The Luther Family needed assistance raising their son, Lex. SuperNanny
2A Unicorn going thriftshopping, with 20 dollars in it's pocket. UNICORN: "This is Freakin' Awesome" CUT TO: Teen, 16-ish, long hair and glasses, writing a script. THEEPICONE:
5In Tonight's News, We explore the vast loss of life when the all The Members of the Gangnam Shake Flash Mob simultaneously combusted from awesomeness. In related news, Psy
2Hey, I just met you, and you're driving me crazy! So I'll call cops, if you don't away from me-e!
2into a heap. After a bit, he saw the light. Morton wasn't sure whether it was THE light, or just the flickering office lights. Morton tried to get up. "Damn Doctors..." he muttered
2My "friend" said he thought ponies were stupid. Now, I have him tied up in my basement, He's wondering what the heck I'm going to do with him. I ignored him and grabbed by knife.
2It was the day THEY came. No, not the zombies, though they were pretty bad. Nor the Aliens, but The White House is never gonna be the same. I'm talking about the Belibers.
5The headlines were emblazoned with "Jack, Jill Fall Down Hill, Severe Injuries" . Jack really didn't like the attention, but Jill was happy for it. She just got to show off her
4A bizarre scene unfolded at the ER, as doctors rushed around a talking propeller. He began: "Well, i was facebooking, and then I hit the 'Become A Fan' button" he groaned.
3All your base are over 9000, so i did the Gangnam Shake Flop. I also herd u liek cheezeburgers, so u can haz 1, as long as you call me maybe on friday, 'cause everypony's lookin
5I then coincidentally electrocuted myself. But no matter, the fridge's electrons tasted like a blue raspberry slushie. I moved on to the oven. I stuck my tongue into the outlet.
4"I didn't puke on the computer screen!" I yelled. "Well, maybe a little..." My Dad was fuming. Didn't I tell you NOT to ever watch Twilight?! The mere mention of the movie caused a
5"That does not matter, young grasshopper" The sensei said in a calm tone. "What does, is to learn the art of 'Bad-Meme-ish-Songs-Being-used-to-beat-scum-up'" "that's a long name" I