Finished Folds (21—36)
5With my face in unbearable yet delicious agony. I knew that there was only one way to settle the score. BACON COOK OFF.
6I quickly ran to the library to research "How to make you cat a normal cat again and not a psycho killer" Unknown to me... my cat followed there.
4"Please stop messaging me." was Sgt Friday's email response. Well drat that meant that Dr. Gfsgjjoooliev would have to find another way to get his answers.
6It hit Art right in the unholy hole. Art curled over and died right there. After the incident all the world leaders decided to end all the wars and we have lived in peace since.
5hen my cat jumped up to the branch of the wise owl and said, "Look... you are the cat of the bird world. Can we just.. like make a truce and be friends" The old owl nodded. THE END
5All the students turned to page 756 and slowly began to read the most boring assignment on the reproduction of cells. From the hallway you could hear the sounds of people sighing.
3damnit... I got that stupid song stuck in my head again. I blinked and realized I had completely zoned out in the produce section of my local Piggly Wiggly.
1the anti-media conspiracy group appropriately named "No News". Mr Bear Mush was once named the chair member of the group. They met every Thursday and ate hardboiled eggs.
5And I knew at that moment it was time for me to run. I ran as fast as my legs to handle far far away. Eventually I ended up in Australia. I decided I could hide here for a while.
5Everyone in the room rose and place their hands over their hearts. As the national anthem played tears welled up in their eyes. Who knew that a lion and a burglar could unite us.
2And thus James Mason called everyone with the name Mason together to battle the troubling pink mason jar.
3For the song made the dog grow to the size of a house.
5Then she got freshly cut chicken mixed the a small amount of dried food. After eating Fluffy would settle herself on a cushion in a patch of sun and sleep blissfully.
6best policy in my book" Then suddenly his dog growled jumped up and ate him whole.
3Ah Auntie Meg. Such a loving soul. It's a shame that eventually her velvet kitties ate her. But I will always remember the good times.
11took a quick swig of whiskey and set to work. First off she needed to summon her carrier pigeons. "COO COO COO" she belted. And in the distance you could hear them