Finished Folds (1—6)
2He hadn't slept for 4 days, but his prototype was complete: the world's first armoured robo-wolf capable of transforming into a rocket-propelled hoverbike. Now he only needed to
4. His ball sack was special, sentimntal even, and it was missing. Coach Goatham was determined to put things right. He needed help and he knew just the man to talk to. His name was
2a feeble gesture of appreciation, but appreciated the attention. She quickened her pace; her stalker also did. Then she noticed the uranium-tipped nunchaku hanging from a branch...
10I had to move on. The radiation was giving me bloodshot eyes, plus I was out of toilet paper AND shopping catalogues. I picked the fluff from the Velcro and zipped my space suit.
3She went for the bite; my uppercut connected. Teeth flew all around. She clicked her jaw into place and handed me her business card, I couldn't bear to tell her I didn't own a car.
3their gaze burn through my very essence. As I began the long process of transmorphism, I wondered whether it was worth it, all just to give motorbikes their sentience.