Finished Folds (41—50)
6Ryan looked at me coquettishly. I'd pulled! We danced arm in arm, to a rather pretty waltz played by a man with an accordion. We kissed to the light of the moon, but unfortunately
7red right arm, and immediately apologised. It was most ungentlemanly of me. However she took it in good spirits, and took me immediately to the bar for a round of creme de menthe.
1laughed, but I knew deep down it was really, at least in this zip code. It tickled, but I must admit it was one of the most exhilarating moments of my entire life, second only to a
4spital and steal the funky kimono-style scrubs that the doctors wore there, parading around the Japanese capital like little kings their contraband outfits. How they laughed, while
1in time to the 1960s, where I found myself slap bang in the middle of the Cuban Missile Crisis. What to do?! I decide the best way to save the world from nuclear war was to make a
5men were men. In fact the men were so manly the water supply was nearly 80% testosterone, meaning all women, children, cats and sheep had long luxurious beards like retired majors.
4Scary, or Mel as she is known to friends, made all who met her rue the the day they crossed her path, but at home she was a pussy cat. Literally - a practicing animagus, Mel spent
3bathroom every night, thinking about his days in Vegas, weeping gently into a small bucket. Poor Elvis. His only despite came the day a special person arrived - it was none other t
5't even there. Grabbing the first man I saw I screamed into his terrified face: "Who are you?! What did you do with my daughter?!". He looked perplexed to say the least, and I saw
10In the cold depths of space there lived a strange little man. Wise with the knowledge of all creation, he lived on an icy moon surrounding a strange, purple world. His name was