Finished Folds (1—18)
2thing came back up, it was disgusting. I ran to find some water, but the nearest tap wouldn't come on. I didn't have the strength to turn it, but then behind me
2worth it. How was he going to get inside though? He would need more than lock picking skills in order to get through all the shiny, hard titanium.
3caused it to make weird noises and be stuck on my screensaver, when my mother heard the noises she hid underneath my wardrobe forever in case the devil saw her.
2Then she dropped it all, and as the tears continued to fall down her face she lifted up her arm, as high as she could reach and then she said
0grabbed my little bible and red hat, then I started to run. I looked around and all I could see was people wearing bright red, it was everywhere and then I could see something move
3Does it come with a remote control? Or does the pigeon set it off? You should know by now that I need to be able to set things off without touching them. What colour is it?
3was the "modern style" bucket ornaments, which anybody else would have thought were bins, but he could see past that and thought they were beautiful tributes to when people used
1theater, he put on surgical gloves, sterilized clothes and he scrubbed in. Then as he walked in and everyone turned to stare at him.
3had pretended to enjoy wearing woman's shoes, she had been really convinced that he was gay, maybe she had converted at least one? She had to know for sure.
2freak people out. It was like she had absolutely no shame, anything for a little bit of attention, I wouldn't be surprised if she just walked right into the
2I had to find Joy and keep her here. If only there was some way of moving away from the others, this is no laughing matter but
2would have to cover it all in bubble wrap, if only i could find a way to protect it for her, I needed to
0a gentle whirlwind. He slowly looked down at his feet and was worried
0If only i could bend that finger, anyway since I first got here this weird old man has been staring at my shoes. He has big eyes,
0it all started with this old man showing up at my front door with a cat, a very cute cat and then
0all that and see the cute little sidekick which i have acquired, her name is spot. There is a man in the distance,
1they changed colour, but now they didn't match her camouflage, she would need a new disguise. There was a man across the street,
0I knew it was the hat from before