Finished Folds (661—680)
4carvings, but she loved Vonnegut and stories about Dresden. And pina coladas and getting caught in the rain. And unicorns.
1wasn't the pizza delivery, it was Digiorno.
2pork chops and apple sauce. Peter sat alone and fumed while Mrs. Brady told that dirty joke for the absolute THOUSANTH TIME.
0"bacon and garlic ice cream" before sinking again into the swamp from wence she came.
1Even without skin, even while chained to the desk, she could still dance. She had somehow learned to use her abs to hold everything in. She could even pirouette. Figure that!
4flashed his silver tongue, grabbing the watermelon before I could swallow and execute my plan. Passing on the mutation would never happen on B'Hcuggeroth's watch.
8Which is why they no longer write summaries. They do not do outlines, or synopsises either. What was the point if they would just be burned by the thought police?
4"It just won't budge!", the lieutenant said to the corporal. "try more lube"
6self destruct in 3 seconds. Tick. Tick. Tick.
7long underwear. You'vevgotta go from your gut, even when it drags on the ground because you walk on all fours and can't say no to chili dogs. Look deep into your antiself.
4fleeting feeling pheasants frolicked, fastly feckish. Farting fetid felines festooned frogs fastidiously. The suppositories probably were spiked. Now awake, Stan surveyed
7various multi-colored sweaters. He would name this Frankenstein, this evil genious compound animal "Rags" and take it to dance clubs. "Its a squirrel-blackbird-pony-
3But had forgotten to tell him the password to get in the first underground bingo hall. Charlie Sheen was ironically left out of the only club he'd ever wanted to be a part of.
6and since they didn't have the antidote, Howeve died. She was not forgotten, though. Her family built the "Howeve Memorial Blowfish Hatchery" that you now find yourself trapped in.
2which landed on the booby-trapped gnome that had been placed there in case any suitcases came flying around. Gnome shards lodged into OJ's skull. Suddenly, OJ had a craving for
3I'm a little teapot, short and stout.
4Hillenbrand stuck it out and was proud of himself. Nobody who had scaled these heights before had
1I always wanted to name a kid Spock.
1my time in juvenile detention without shame or revulsion. For now I could only reassure myself that my time will come. My time will come.
6admitting up front that I suck up resources and will completely disappoint you over and over again." The truth seemed to disarm some people in these short resume pitches. Larvae