Finished Folds (681—700)
1stoic. Bethany was the only one in the class who did not wear makeup. She preferred to smear gravy on her chin and let her dog lick it clean. However, she was curious about
4n't get an answer to his question. The croc flew with a perfect arc, but missed the target. Grimace kept coming. The mutated McDonald's character was not going to back down.
2the lady with all the vodka vomitted. Refilling with a quick swig, she started pouring for all the other country club wives. Except nobody had glasses.
6This is a test of the emergencey broadcast system. If this had been an actual emergency,
4"Sack of potatoes" was my favorite trick, but in my advanced age I hardly had the nerve to try it anymore. Yoga, for me, was
4And definitely not jobwad, i giggled to myself as I made to leave the burning building. This would cover my tracks for sure. Ok, kind of extremem when I'd just burned the soup, but
4would end the level by making salad of the whole lot. Nice cheat, but each time you used it, more salad would build up until
3"Taking Out Fast-Approching Swines" handbook lying close by. What a coincidence! He turned to the first page and read "Would you swines like to go have some coffee?"
1However, since nobody wanted ginham vests, he ended up a TV announcer at dog shows, where he could where his vests with pride. The vested dogs also looked fabulous.
4The answer? Mustard seed. The Question?
3ter had become so popular again. Because of this, butter had risen 30% in the last 6 weeks. He could no longer put butter in hi coffee or on his
4squirrels", but this didn't break the ice at all. She didn't even turn her head. I tried again "You know the Anime eyes are wasted on those squirrels" Again, nothing. Why was she
3ber, but the techies kept pouring shots. Being an alcoholic studio musician, my licks were killer, but
3That's tasty sauce!
4, which was just as well, because mama bear wanted her soft chair back. And so it was that the tortoise and hare had come to this meadow, seeking fame and a little redemption
3even passable enough to consider romancing to keep our jobs. So we quit and became monks. We were surprised that there were notable celebrities hiding out in the monestary, like
2three amigos say the job is finished, no one picks up a shovel. You know what I mean? Ride the bull with your pants dowm, thats what the cops always told us kids.
5tiny feet. Russians prize big shoes, big hearts, and tiny dancers. I just didn't fit in. Probably why i started to play polkas on the banjo in the first place. Outcast folk music
2was tiny, even for a flying squirrel, but she was smart. And hot. For a squirrel named Frieda.
5the blurred scenery as it rushed passed. There was always a certain bliss to riding long distances on an old motorbike. And the hemmorhoids.