Finished Folds (841—860)
4was blocked by the Greenpeace guy wearing the flak jacket. You know the guy, always wears shorts, even on a boat trip into seal territory. Why wouldn't the f'er just leave us to do
1dismantle the establishment, whatever that means. Meanwhile Gunther battled the Oracle, having noticed that not only was the sun behind him, so were the marshmallows. "You'd
0which one of them could collect the most frat boys in their belly sack. They'd make it a game, although their survival depended on it. They were stuck, but they'd make it.
6The swelling wouldn't stop. At this rate, his head would be twice its normal size in minutes. Doug felt his tounge, surprisingly normal considering he had eaten
4The only thing better than cheese, is melted cheese.
1Yet, wearing a mask, she managed to pick enough to make her famous ale anyway. Deadly ale, yes, but that hardly mattered now that love had left her for good. She raised her glass.
1improved by eliminating all the paperwork of signed releases and whatnot. Was it a problem that everyone seemed to need unwanted assisted suicide? No, the need for death never ends
0have suggested that title in the first place? She had thought her comments were "off the record". How could she have let them trick her like that? Well, now they would pay
2Peanut butter, lucky charms, and lobster thermidor, washed down with 1er cru chablis mixed with gatorade. Oh, and mercury. As a therapist, she was possessive and didn't want a cure
1Of course, by dating, we mean teaching them to read. It was only after the reading lesson that she would sleep with them. (Yes, all of them). The members of Alabama were grateful
0that was also kinda melty, which reminded him how hungry he was. His favorite sanck had always been grilled cheese sandwiches with extra melty cheese. How ironic, now that he felt
5became the Harlem Wizards and the game became a cross between polo and basketball: baskolo. In baskolo, there are no fouls, but there are penalties. A penalty is
0did not harmonize. The maid shrieked and ran from the noise. Damn! Back to internet porn.
5but in the blindness of his pain, he failed to notice that the cabinet was actually the mouth of a crocodile! He forgot the insect bites and
3took a too-large swig of the syrup, coughing and knocking the whole shebang onto the floor. The judges gasped in horror. Surely they would not let this transgression pass. Canadian
1add weight and visual interest to the centerpieces. Then, Col. Mustard would action them off for charity. Scarlet and Mrs White would always fight over them. No one had a clue!
1pretending to get a cell phone call. How do you simulate a phone vibrating in your pocket?, he thought glumly, resigning himself to the chafing that was to come. That's when a pack
5idea how to finish my term paper on "urination: the other side of asparagus". I decided to go out back and shoot some hoops instead. There, i found a disgruntled green grocer who
3celecury. Celecury was one of of those trans uranium elements that normally would need a collider to create. This would get him the Nobel prize for sure. Except i was all a fantasy
1covered in powdered sugar an left out as an offering for The Beast. That Kylie strained against the ropes was the reason he paused at his decision.