Finished Folds (21—38)
4"You have failed me Ms. Beazly, I will now crush your spirits with this mind trick that I do." "Sir are you pretending to be the Emperor from Starwars?" replied Ms. Beazly. "Grrrrr
7This was some kind of deliberate act of abduction. But how had his memory been taken from the very people he most trusted? Death comes twice to those who are forgotten.
6a sequence of events in which he had successfully completed a task, and was proud of that accomplishment. There was still the lingering feeling of pride but, the task had vanished
2Unemployed, armed, hopped up on sugar and viagra... I hit the town waiting for an opportunity to present itself...that's how I came to be a police officer in charge of the Occupy m
4was the now the guardian of the chips, and head of the church of Not Being Bothered. And Droopy reluctantly accepted his duty of upholding England's highest virtue... not caring.
5I can't take it anymore! I don't know what's happening. I don't want to watch Tv, I don't want to play Call of Duty or Castlevania, I don't want to smoke Parliaments while my life
4marketing strategies, and branding campaigns targeted at tweens. I reached in my pocket and pulled out a speech I had written for this was more of a poem:
4they all stuck their hands in the jar one by one, and paced around the room shouting "sticky-hand, sticky-hand" bodies shaking. These kids had never seen a PB&J sandwich before,
2and we both hauled her body to the storage room of Fedex-Kinkos in Westwood. Sometimes working kinkos is weird, but I try to not to think about it. I just do what Jacoby says and I
4tunately these justification could not stop the blood from spilling out of the hobo's chest. Still, for those last moments of his life, he looked rad. It's rad to almost be dead an
5"68% of people acquainted with you are beginning to realize that you are full of shit." croaked the alarm clock. Regina must have set the alarm to angst. Well, I'm feeling anxious
3The only english speaking television program available in Latvia was "The Muppet Show". So Ghundiga, along with many others from her town, were taught to speak "mupplish." Sexy, ye
11the folder. The story in this case is the author, the folder becomes the pen. There is no such thing as virtuosity, or at least there is no need for it anymore. Technology replaces
7ys concert and lost the will to live. It's a tough world we live in. And when you realize you're not tough, Christ IS watching, and you are too late for a real job, welcome shame.
5"You have no right to remain silent. Everything you have self-censored, or omitted will be extracted in the court of the mind." The Federal Commission of Conscience targeted my
3, red-rover II, had already burrowed underneath the carrot garden and had collected most of the genetically modified beta-crop set for market launch. No amount of vitamin A would
5I'm frightened by what is now being called the posthuman condition. Before genetic enhancement therapies were the norm, we could always blame the human condition, or we
2his general direction. I can't swim. I never could. I'm 30 years old and every time I get in the water I am nauseated with fear. Still, I get into the pool and make an excuse to