Finished Folds (61—74)
2loving my dancing. Ferdie looked even more shocked when one of the investors started dancing aswell. "Not a pretty sight" he said afterwards. Suddenly I accidently stepped on my
2cigar in a passing childs' mouth. The child spat it out and started crying. "See? The kids love it!" shouted Bob, beaming at everyone. There was an awkward silence. Then suddenly
4At last it dawned on me. The bobbles on her head where just mistakes in the knitting! My inner geek hyperthetically looked sheepish, and decided to stick to fixing computers.
1or maybe not. Ah well, he thought philisophically, enough interlectual musings... Goodbye Children! Goodbye!
2There was nowhere left to go, the evil easter bunnies were close upon them. Dillis tried her best to poke them away with her 15cm knitting needles, but nothing helped. It was
1They fought and fought. They drank, and drank more.
5" The feet of the kings lead to the smelling salts of the mice, and egg fried rice". " What the F*** does that mean?" said Leah, in her most ladylike fashion.
1That's what he said he was going to do, and he did, pulling his trousers down everytime a lat passed, for them all to admire. He was the talk of the town, and the best looking too.
0scrape the sholsh buckets themselves. The older female sex can't do everything. Unlike the men, women actually did useful things. They wern't just habits, but products of sense.
1a huge bog, next to the church. The lid of the coffin fell off revealing
2Lara felt a drip of sweat trickle down her back, her pulse pounding in her ears. "Now listen here, sweetcheeks, I ain't playing none of your little games" said Barry Fluff
3"What's wrong with you?" said Georgie. He brought out a gun and threw it in the air, catching it with skill. "My school is so much more exciting".
4"So folks... we're all here to decide what to do about Mr O'Connelly, Jerry. What are we gonna do?" "Blow him up!" said one. Dean Martin gave him a slow, hard look.
4"Watch out!" The church bingo baller did a double take and jumped onto the ground and rolled under an approaching tidal wave of rivel bowlers.