Finished Folds (41—51)
8s, if he'd set his goal a little less high, he could have succeeded, but he was doomed to failure from the onset, and not knowing where to turn, he hung his head in shame, and walk
5barefoot through the long hallways, mad men in bowler hats barking insanely at my heals. "Wake up!" My mother shook me from my sleep.. What a bizarre nightmare! My dentist
4left with nothing but the clothes on her back and a bag full of used bank notes. Once in Morocco, she made straight for the commissioners office. Recognizing her immediately he
2don't forget the god awful beer festivals.. "But these are all great reasons why you should be trained as a future foreign minister" the prime minister, my father, assured me.
6he could find a way to make it stop. He had already tried unsuccessfully enticing it into the garden. But the vacuum had a mind of it's own. Finally the poodle decided that if it
3"What kind of fruit is this", the tourist cautiously poked the peculiar looking spiky pod like fruit. "Durian my friend, you try, you like! Only 30 Baht". He handed over the money,
6his complete lack of personal hygiene. Clare had tried to warn him. She'd come into his office daily, and clean up after him, but the order never lasted. within a mere hour he
3The last 24 hours finally hit me. If I had only foreseen the consequences I would have behaved differently from the onset.Grasping my jaw, I moved into the shadows. Never again!
5body you desire?" Sighing Bentley replied "You know miss Cunk, the one thing I really love about you is your ability to smile at the face of adversity.. Won't you please marry me?"
6pouted. "If I were you, I would leave now before things get even more heated". She placed me on the bonnet of a 1950s old mobile, and with her long chrome finger pointed east, "see
3cleared his throat with a horribly chesty cough.. "Do you mind! I'm standing right here! Please don't talk about me as if I'm not present!" .Disapprovingly, he looked at us both